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Due to the fast process of urbanization and the increase in the development of transport infrastructure, there is an increase in noise levels caused by road and railway traffic in urban areas, which represents one of the most important today's problems. The goal of this paper is to find out the current noise levels of road and railway traffic. Meas...

By Nusret Imamović, Zijad Selimović, Haris Puščul, Emina Kadušić

Due to the very complex composition of leachate wastewater, combining two or more physical, chemical, or biological processes, carried out simultaneously or sequentially, is highly needed in order to obtain effluent suitable for further discharge into sewage. In this paper, electrocoagulation coupled with synthetic zeolite (EC-NaX), electrocoagulat...

By Nediljka Vukojević Medvidović, Ladislav Vrsalović, Sandra Svilović, Mirjana Cestarić

Water hardness and deposition of incrustation is a problem in households and industry. In this regard, several technologies have been developed with the purpose of water softening and preventing the deposition of incrustation. The ion exchange method is the most commonly used method and is considered a conventional method. However, due to the short...

By Vedran Stuhli, Armin Buljubašić, Abdel Đozić, Mirnesa Zohorović, Amra Odobašić

Sulphur in steel is an undesirable element because it lowers all technological and uses values of steel products. During the steelmaking process, the desulphurization process depends on the thermodynamic conditions, the used desulphurizes, and the stability of the formed sulphides. The desulphurization technology in the production of low-carbon ste...

By Raza Sunulahpašić, Aida Imamović, Hasan Avdušinović

Steel X8CrNiS18-9 (standard EN 10088-3: 2005) is the most commonly used from the group of austenitic stainless steel in terms of machinability. The content of sulphur present in the steel from 0,15 to 0,35% has the exclusive task to improve the machinability. However, while sulphur improves machinability it simultaneously reduces the resistance of ...

By Derviš Mujagić, Aida Imamović, Mustafa Hadžalić

Brown stock washing is one of the major unit operations within the pulp manufacturing business. Poor operating washers have the potential to significantly and negatively affect almost every other area of a pulp and paper mill, including the mill’s environmental performance. The objective of the pulp washing is to remove the soluble impurities...

By Armina Čamić, Šefkija Botonjić

Stainless steel X8CrNiS18-9 (standard EN 10088-3: 2005) is the most commonly used austenitic stainless steel due to its good machinability. This steel has high mechanical and working properties thanks to a complex alloying, primarily with the elements such as chromium and nickel. The content of sulphur present in the steel from 0.15 to 0.35% improv...

By Derviš Mujagić, Aida Imamović, Mustafa Hadžalić

Gallic acid is a phenolic acid widely spread in various plants, where it is present either in free form or as part of tannins, called gallotannins. It shows several positive effects on human health. It has different biological effects: antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory. Many scientists are showing great interest in gallic acid precisely b...

By Dejana Kasapović, Fehim Korać, Farzet Bikić

Aluminium and its alloys have excellent corrosion resistance. When aluminium is exposed to the atmosphere, a thin invisible oxide Al2O3 is formed, protecting the metal from further oxidation. Compared to pure metals, alloys can have higher corrosion resistance depending on the content of certain alloying elements. Various substances such as organic...

By Safija Herenda, Selma Burović, Jelena Šćepanović, Darko Vuksanović

Some specific aspects in the state of art regarding the improvements related to I-beams and parallel flanged I-beams production are presented in this paper. One practical solution in the variety of the conversions of the classical to the universal rolling stands is described in some more detail, as well as an overview of the latest improvements in ...

By Faik Uzunović, Omer Beganović, Lamija Sušić