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Gallic acid is a phenolic acid widely spread in various plants, where it is present either in free form or as part of tannins, called gallotannins. It shows several positive effects on human health. It has different biological effects: antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory. Many scientists are showing great interest in gallic acid precisely b...

By Dejana Kasapović, Fehim Korać, Farzet Bikić

Aluminium and its alloys have excellent corrosion resistance. When aluminium is exposed to the atmosphere, a thin invisible oxide Al2O3 is formed, protecting the metal from further oxidation. Compared to pure metals, alloys can have higher corrosion resistance depending on the content of certain alloying elements. Various substances such as organic...

By Safija Herenda, Selma Burović, Jelena Šćepanović, Darko Vuksanović